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Tag Archives: KDE

Differences between KDE and GNOME

Well in this post I will explain the difference between GNOME and KDE. GNOME and KDE is the GUI (graphics user interface) or can be called Desktop environtment. One of the functions of the GUI is easy our users to access applications on linux. Then what is the difference from the GNOME and KDE? The differences between the two is very simple. GNOME is the GUI of Ubuntu while KDE is the GUI of Kubuntu. Besides it’s not just Ubuntu which uses GNOME and Kubuntu GUI using the KDE GUI. GNOME and KDE are not the only GUI on Linux, another GUI Example: XFCE, Fluxbox, IceWM and BlackBox.

In August 1997 Miguel de Icaza meliris a GUI with the name of the GNOME (GNU Network ObjectModel Environment). GNOME is designed to be a product that really fit the standard Free Software Foundation.

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